Public Finance and Economic Forecasting

Sample courses for a Public Finance and Economic Forecasting Policy focus

Please note:
These are an example of the courses that would fulfill this complimentary policy requirement.
We cannot guarantee when or if these courses will be offered.


*408 Economic Forecasting Methods: A Time Series Approach (3)
Computer modeling of economic time series using univariate Box-Jenkins models and multivariate vector autoregressive models. Intervention models to assess policy impacts such as gun control, environmental law, tax changes and social programs.

501. Microeconomics I. (3)
Topics include producer and consumer theory, duality and welfare measures, competitive markets and monopoly and decision making under uncertainty.

560. Public Economics. (3)
Introduction to advanced study of public economics, including theoretical and empirical analysis of market failures and government interventions. Topics include externalities and public goods, social insurance programs, education policies, optimal taxation, income distribution, and government expenditures.



580. Methods of Social Research (3)
Analytical examination of traditional methodological issues including measurement, experimental design, sampling, theory construction, role of statistics and nature of probability.

585. Qualitative Research Methods (3)
Intensive practicum on research fieldwork, including research design, human subjects review, the ethics/politics of fieldwork, and fieldwork implementation. Focuses on ethnographic and interview methods; some attention to focus groups and archives.


Public Administration

546. Public Financial Administration (3)
Analysis of financial management functions of government including treasurer, comptroller, accounting, capital budgeting, auditing, debt and cash management and other functions. Methods for evaluating the financial conditions of governments are presented. The impact of computers on public financial management also is evaluated.



570. Analysis of the Financial System. (3)
This course examines the role of the capital markets, financial instruments, institutions, and regulatory agencies in financial projects. We examine factors affecting capital acquisition, financial performance, monetary policy, and quantitative efficiency from multiple stakeholder perspectives. 


581. Introduction to Time Series Analysis (3)
Introduction to time domain and frequency domain models of time series. Data analysis with emphasis on Box-Jenkins methods. Topics such as multivariate models; linear filters; linear prediction; forecasting and control.