James Lewis
Mr. Lewis has had a distinguished and honorable public service career that has spanned four decades and included many prestigious honors. As the first and only African-American to be elected to a statewide office and is the longest serving (13+ years) New Mexico State Treasurer, he served as an elected and appointed official (appointed by presidents, governors, mayors and other elected officers) for the City of Albuquerque. Currently, Mr. Lewis is the University of New Mexico Alumni Association President and the Senior Advisor for Public Safety for Mayor Keller. He works closely with UNM Regents, the President, the Foundation, legislators, Athletics, various colleges, student organizations, alumni chapters, University Communications, Alumni Relations Office, and the Greater Albuquerque Community to enhance communication, collaboration, and cooperation. It is his opinion that “UNM must tell its story as one of the best research institutions in the United States, and accentuate our esteemed alumni and faculty.” Mr. Lewis previously served on the Community Advisory Board from 2017-2019.