MPP student working with schools all over New Mexico
Evaluation Lab News
Posted: Nov 24, 2020 - 12:00am

Marit is a part-time MPP student and a full time Comprehensive Literacy Development Manager for New Mexico’s Public Education Department. Marit manages a grant for 40 million dollars to be distributed over five years for eleven sub-grantees in school districts from all over the state.
Marit talked about her work at the MPP’s November Brown Bag lunch series.
Before joining PED, Marit worked as an analyst for the New Mexico Legislative Education Study Committee, which gave her a fiscal responsibility perspective that she brings to her new position. She began her new job right when the pandemic caused everything to shut down and so has never met many of her new coworkers in person. But, as the youngest grant manager in her office, Marit says she spends a lot of time listening to and learning from her more experienced coworkers. She also employs the network she has built up over the years for guidance and advice.
The main parts of managing the grant are helping to implement the evidence-based programs in the school districts, evaluating how the programs are doing with data from assessments and review of cost analysis and goals forms filled out by the grantees.
Marit is also working to get more supports up and going for literacy in New Mexico’s school districts. One thing that has been successful and that she really enjoys is a Community of Practice meeting every month. There is a topic and it is a chance for districts to present on best practices, it also a great opportunity for school districts to support each other and work together.
The MPP Brown Bag Lunch Series, which meets monthly via Zoom, provides an informal gathering place for students and faculty to share experiences, information, resources and experiences related to the program and the wider policy community.